
Showing posts from October, 2020

Energized Temur

This is an aggro deck that focuses on utilizing the energy mechanic of the Kaladesh block. One of the best creatures to do so is Voltaic Brawler. It gains two energy, while only needing to spend one to pump itself and give itself trample makes this card so good. Most other creatures with energy abilities only produce enough to use their abilities once.                                    The creature that really helps pull this deck together is Rogue Refiner. This creature not only gains two energy when it enters, while not requiring any himself, it also draws a card. On top of all that this creature is a 3/2 which means that it can still do some damage to your opponent, or be a decent blocker, if it comes down to it.                              Overall this deck is playing cards that gain and use energy in the most efficient way that we can, while also being able to pump out a decent amount of damage fairly quickly with more resilience than other all in aggro decks. Card Choices Llano

Rakdos Shadow's Scourge

 I know a lot of decks trying to utilize Scourge of the Skyclaves will be popping up because this guy can become huge in the mid to late game. Scourge is similar to Tarmogoyf in a lot of midrange style decks, being a two drop that slowly gets bigger over the course of the game. With this deck, we try to smash together a Death's Shadow style deck with a Blitz style deck. This lets us use Scourge to great effect by bringing our life total down while also quickly reducing our opponents life. With the Blitz creatures of Monastery Swiftspear and Soul-Scar Mage , we can swing for a decent amount of damage in the early game with them and burn spells. Other than that we play the Death's Shadow package with a bunch of fetch lands and shock lands, as we as Thoughtseize to bring our life total down.                                                        This deck is a fairly simple aggro deck even with the addition of the Death's Shadow/ Scourge package. You really just do damage