Energized Temur
This is an aggro deck that focuses on utilizing the energy mechanic of the Kaladesh block. One of the best creatures to do so is Voltaic Brawler. It gains two energy, while only needing to spend one to pump itself and give itself trample makes this card so good. Most other creatures with energy abilities only produce enough to use their abilities once.
The creature that really helps pull this deck together is Rogue Refiner. This creature not only gains two energy when it enters, while not requiring any himself, it also draws a card. On top of all that this creature is a 3/2 which means that it can still do some damage to your opponent, or be a decent blocker, if it comes down to it.
Overall this deck is playing cards that gain and use energy in the most efficient way that we can, while also being able to pump out a decent amount of damage fairly quickly with more resilience than other all in aggro decks.
Card Choices
Llanowar Elves is a four of to have the ability to ramp if you get it in your opening hand. It isn't necessary to have more than four mana dorks in the list because there are other turn one plays in the deck as well.
Longtusk Cub is an alright creature, but it can generate energy consistently if it can hit your opponent. It can also pump itself, if necessary, with the energy it creates in the form of +1/+1 counters.
Voltaic Brawler is great in this deck, being able to pump itself, and get trample so that it can push through some needed damage during the game.
Scavenging Ooze is a one of in the main just in case you need some life gain, or the game stalls out. You will always have enough creatures to feed Ooze, so it's fine as a one of. In the side their are two more in case you need to get rid of cards from your opponents graveyard, or you need a creature that can make itself bigger from your, or your opponents, creatures in the graveyard.
Rogue Refiner is phenomenal in the deck, gaining energy, and replacing itself. Without this in the deck, it would not function as well as it should.
Savage Knuckleblade is an interesting two of, and I chose to play it because it is great late game against most decks. Being a 4/4 that can give itself haste, or pump itself is already great, but the fact that it can also bounce itself to your hand to avoid removal puts it over the edge.
Bonecrusher Giant is a four of because it is overall just a great card in most red decks. It does everything you want it to. This deck needs a burn spell for another kill spell, or some reach to hit your opponent directly, if it's needed. With this also being a creature after the burn spell, it's necessary in any deck that can reliably cast it.
Bristling Hydra is a great two of because it can give itself hexproof while also putting a +1/+1 counter on itself. It forces your opponent to use two kill spells to get rid of it, or even more if you managed to stockpile some energy during the game.
The Royal Scions is a cool one of in this deck because it not only lets you cycle through your deck, but can give one of your creatures first strike, and trample, and on top of that pumping it by +2/+0... This Planeswalker is perfect in this deck and can help you get through some needed damage mid to late game.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another great Planeswalker in this deck. She can get you extra cards, burn your opponent, or kill a creature. On top of this, if you ever get her Emblem out, you will just win the game. I could see replacing this for another copy of The Royal Scions to great effect, if yo so choose.
Attune with Aether is the other one drop in this deck. It helps you mana fix while thinning your deck and also gaining two energy.
Stubborn Denial is very needed in this deck to be able to stop your opponents spells. A majority of the time, this is just a hard counter, though you can still catch people of guard with an essential Force Spike.
Harnessed Lightning is good for killing any sized creature. If you need to kill something bigger, you can save some energy, or if you kill something smaller, then it gains you some energy.
For the manabase we play 21 lands to make sure that land drops are hit in the early game. You really need three to four lands. We play Aether Hub because it color fixes with the use of energy. There are five each shocklands, and fastlands. There are also five basics because of Attune with Aether. The one Fabled Passage is here just to help color fix as well as thin the deck slightly. We don't play more because the land only comes in untapped if you have four or more lands.
Back to Nature is here for the Sram enchantment decks. We only play one because it's very narrow, and there are also Cindervines in the sideboard.
Cindervines is a two of against any enchantment, or artifact deck to destroy what is necessary. It also helps against control decks by making them take damage whenever they cast a non-creature spell.
Collective Defiance is a one of just for versatility. It can easily be replaced by something else, I just like having a card in the side that can be brought in against a lot of decks.
Fry is for any white or blue match-ups. This also being uncounterable makes it good against control decks to deal with their planeswalkers still.
Mystical Dispute is for any blue deck that you may want to counter their spells.
Nissa, Steward of Elements is good against midrange decks, or if you want to bring her in against control decks you can. Playing Nissa on turn three can be very good in a lot of midrange matchups. Coming in with only one counter isn't bad considering she adds two to scry, and then after that her zero should get most of your other cards straight to the battlefield.
Shifting Ceratops is for any control decks, it being pro blue and uncounterable makes this creature dodge most of your opponents control stuff in pioneer. The fact that you can also give it either reach, trample, or haste just makes this creature extra good.
Deck List
Creatures (25)
4x Llanowar Elves
4x Longtusk Cub
4x Voltaic Brawler
1x Scavenging Ooze
4x Rogue Refiner
2x Savage Knuckleblade
4x Bonecrusher Giant
2x Bristling Hydra
Planeswalkers (2)
1x The Royal Scions
1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Instants/Sorceries (12)
4x Attune with Aether
4x Stubborn Denial
4x Harnessed Lightning
Lands (21)
4x Aether Hub
3x Botanical Sanctum
2x Spirebluff Canal
3x Stomping Ground
2x Breeding Pool
1x Fabled Passage
2x Forest
1x Island
2x Mountain
1x Sulfur Falls
Sideboard (15)
1x Back to Nature
2x Cindervines
1x Collective Defiance
2x Fry
3x Mystical Dispute
2x Nissa, Steward of Elements
2x Scavenging Ooze
2x Shifting Ceratops
Overall this aggro deck isn't the fastest deck that can be played. The trade-off is that this deck is a bit more resilient with the tougher creatures that are played, and some that evade kill spells in some way. It's still a heavy creature deck, so anything that is super control oriented, with board wipes, will still be a problem for the deck. Though other match-ups should be at the very least okay.
Link to TappedOut for easier viewing of the decklist here : Energized Temur
- Decklist and article written by Clayton Burt
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